New York post exposes dental clinic owners

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The New York Post has exposed dental clinic owners who were participating in a scheme to con Medicaid out of millions of dollars.

The owners are alleged to have taken around 5.7 million dollars after running a scam ‘pay-for-clients’ scheme. The four men, who were running the Dental Plaza clinics in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens were allegedly touting for business from Medicaid customers and then giving them gifts and cash bonuses in exchange. It is also believed that the men targeted drug addicts, homeless people and people with mental health issues.

The group of four men, which comprises of David Ibragimov and his son, Arthur, his son-in-law, Mikhail Isakov and Bruce Speiser, a dentist, are now facing charges of Medicaid fraud.

In March the scheme was uncovered and exposed by the New York Post when touts unknowingly invited reporters into the clinic. Mr Ibragimov has already faced charges of Medicaid fraud but the charges were dropped; his colleagues at the time pleaded guilty and have now been taken out of the Medicaid system.

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