New vibrating orthodontic device launched in the UK

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A new orthodontic device has been launched in the UK.

The small, vibrating device is placed in the patient’s mouth for just twenty minutes a day; it vibrates to exert additional pressure on the teeth. The force generated by the removable device cuts treatment time and improves the efficiency of the natural process of resorption of the bone tissue and the development of new bone cells. The device was developed based on research carried out by Dr Jeremy Mao, from the University of Illinois.

The Acceledent device has been developed and pioneered in the USA and has officially been launched in the UK; it is set to revolutionise orthodontic treatment in the UK and has been proven to be both safe and effective in America.

The new device is currently being offered to orthodontic specialists across the UK and will be officially unveiled at the British Orthodontic Conference in Brighton later this month.

Patients who have used the removable device say it is comfortable and effective; many said they were able to continue with their daily lives as usual. Previous studies have indicated that treatment time may be reduced by up to 50 percent.

A small number of UK orthodontists signed up to trial the orthodontic device last year and they expressed support for the introduction of the product onto the wider UK market. 

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