New bottled water could boost oral health

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A New York dental specialist has launched a brand new product to boost oral health.

AquaForte, a new bottled water with added fluoride, claims to strengthen the teeth and reduce the risk of tooth decay; the product was developed by a specialist prosthodontist and has been approved by the American Dental Association.

Fluoride has long been hailed as a benefit to oral health; fluoride helps to remineralise and subsequently strengthen teeth, which have been affected by bacteria in the mouth.

Fluoridation is supported by the ADA and other dental organisations across the world; according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adding fluoride to the water supply is safe and beneficial for oral health. Fluoridated water is particularly beneficial for people from poorer backgrounds who cannot afford regular dental treatment. According to CDC reports, drinking fluoridated water can reduce the risk of cavities and decay by around 25 percent.

Currently, around 100 million people in America do not have access to fluoridated water supplies; the new bottled water product, AquaForte will allow people who do not have fluoridated water to increase their intake of fluoride. Other products, including mouthwash and toothpaste also contain fluoride.

AquaForte is likely to receive mixed reviews, as the use of fluoride is becoming an increasingly contentious issue; dentists and many public health experts support fluoride, but many members of the public are joining anti-fluoridation campaigners to try and phase out fluoridation in community water supplies; in recent months, a number of communities have hosted debates about the future of their water supplies and some towns have voted to stop fluoridating water supplies.

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