Lloyds Loan Helps To Renovate Halifax Dental Practice

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Town Hall Dental Practice in Halifax has undergone several renovations as part of a funding project provided by Lloyd’s Bank.

Dr Imran Rangzeb alerted his uncle, Amjid Hussain, to the opportunities and potential of the practice in February. Amjid purchased the premises and approached Lloyds Commercial Banking branch that provided a six-figure commercial enterprise loan.

The loan will be used to expand the range of health and cosmetic dental treatments currently on offer and can accept 750 new patients.

Amjid explained that the new state of the art facilities available at the practice will provide only the highest quality of dental health care, whilst keeping intact the period character of the building.

A spokesman from Lloyd’s bank said they are dedicated to supporting enterprising entrepreneurs such as Amjid, and help them grow small to medium businesses such as Town Hall Dental who like to make the most of their business.

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