Lisburn dental technician produces innovative new guard to prevent cauliflower ears

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A dental technician from Lisburn has come up with an innovative new solution for the rugby player’s nemesis: the cauliflower ear.

Brenda Phillips came up with the idea of producing an ear guard after watching her son play rugby. For many people who play on a regular basis, the cauliflower ear can be painful, as well as unsightly to look at. Now, Brenda has come up with a solution: a silicone guard, which protects the delicate cartilage and prevents inflammation.

Brenda is hoping to roll the product out across the country, and she hopes to attract customers who engage in other contact sports and martial arts, such as judo, as well as rugby players.

Mother of two, Brenda, said that it’s very common for participants to protect their teeth from danger when they’re playing sport, and it makes sense for them to do the same when their ears are at risk of injury too. Brenda was watching a game of rugby with her son, Connor, when she noticed that one of the players was wearing cotton wool on his ear to protect it. He was hit by another player in a tackle, and suddenly, the cauliflower ear burst open, and blood surged out. Brenda decided to start working on a prototype, using her extensive experience as a qualified dental technician to design the silicone guard known as the Caulear Protection Ear Guard.

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