Kim Kardashian Shares most People’s Fear of the Dentist

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She may be one of the most popular television stars in the USA, but Kim Kardashian, star of the hit reality TV show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, is not immune to everyday fears, revealing on Twitter that she shares most people’s fear of going to the dentist.

The star, who has not been out of the headlines for the last few weeks due to a lavish wedding and subsequent whirlwind divorce from sportsman, Kris Humphries, tweeted to share her fears of the dentist with her followers after spending a day in the dental chair.

Kim complimented her dentist but added that “fillings suck” when tweeting yesterday. Unsurprisingly she received lots of moral support from her followers after talking about having a numb face.

Studies and polls show that most people suffer from anxiety before they visit their dentist and some people are so scared of the prospect that they avoid the dental chair for months, even years, until they suffer from such severe pain that they have no option but to seek help.

The Kardashian family has become notorious after a television show offered viewers the opportunity to see what happens behind closed doors; Kim’s wedding attracted millions of viewers all over the world, but news of the couple splitting and filing for divorce was published just a few weeks later.


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