Iowa launches dental plan for uninsured kids

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Iowa has launched America’s first dental-only program for uninsured kids from low-income families.

This new program will apply to children whose maximum family income for two is $43,710.

Chet Culver, Iowa Governor, said that ensuring that children had access to quality affordable health care was the state’s top priority.

He that kids both need and deserve this coverage.

Officials have suggested that 22,000 underprivileged kids could benefit from the program by the end of 2010.

The program will only cover routine check-ups and “medically necessary” orthodontic procedures.

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February 22nd, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Sarah Kelly Says :

I’m unemployed looking for help for my son overbite. I do know he needs braces but ‘m I not sure how to go about getting help for him since my income is very low and I do want him to get this fix since it effects his eating habits and drinking. i Would like to find a orthodontics with ome help from Iowa cover his medical bill.