Indian dentists remove over 500 teeth from the mouth of a 7-year-old boy

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Dentists in India have removed more than 500 teeth from the mouth of a 7-year-old boy.

The boy, who had suffered pain and swelling for years, underwent surgery in Chennai. The procedure involved extracting a sac that contained a total of 526 teeth, which had formed as part of a tumour in the jawbone. The condition, which was previously seen in a teenager in Mumbai in 2014 who needed more than 200 teeth removing, is known as compound composite odontoma. 

An expert dental team was gathered to complete the five-hour procedure, which took place at Saveetha Dental College. Dr Prathibha Ramani, from the college, described the teeth as looking like ‘pearls in an oyster’ with even the tiniest fragments having their own root and crown. 

Dr Senthil Nathan, dental surgeon, explained that the tumour was separated from the rest of the bone tissue and this meant that it was possible to remove the mass. Once the tumour had been taken out and sent to the histopathology department, it was discovered that there were 526 teeth inside.

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