How Do British Teeth Compare To American Teeth?

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The perfect, ultra-white Hollywood smile has become synonymous with America, but how do British teeth shape up in comparison?

Ricky Gervais has attracted a lot of attention since working in the USA and some journalists thought he was wearing comedy false teeth when he hit the big screens. Gervais is the first to admit that his teeth are not the straightest or whitest, but he’s not bothered and takes the criticism whole-heartedly.

In an interview before the release of Ghost Town, Gervais was complimented for having the guts to wear false teeth. The problem was that he wasn’t wearing false teeth and was proudly showing off his natural smile for the role.

Gervais added that the interviewer was beside himself and could not believe that the comedian and actor had such an awful smile. He concluded that the issue was that Americans are obsessed with having perfect teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry has boomed on both sides of the pond, but there is a preference for a more natural look in the UK. Celebrities such as the Duchess of Cambridge, attracts plaudits, rather than the ultra-straight, bright white smiles showcased by reality television stars.

Professor Liz Kay, dean of the Peninsula Dental School, said that the British approach to looking good was “more free-spirited, more radical” in comparison to the American perspective. She then defined American teeth as being very much focused on conformity and unity.

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