High Fibre Diet Linked to Healthier Gums

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A study has linked a high fibre diet to healthy gums in older people.

Researchers in the USA followed healthy veterans for 24 years and found that those who had a high fibre diet had a lower risk of gum disease.

More than 600 men participated in the US Veterans Affairs dental study and the results of the research showed that men who had a high fibre diet had a 30 percent lower risk of gum disease and a 24 percent lower risk of developing bone loss as a result of receding gums.

The benefits of a high fibre diet were highly visible in older men, but no benefits linked to gum disease were seen in younger men. Around 10 percent of adults in the US suffer from gum disease and the proportion increases with age, with up to 20 percent of those aged over 75 affected by the condition.

Oral health problems tend to be more common in older people and the news that a healthy diet can help to keep gum disease at bay will be welcomed by health conscious veterans. Researchers found that high fibre fruits, including bananas, apples and prunes were particularly effective.


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