Herefordshire patient makes 150-mile round trip to see a dentist

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A man from Ross-on-Wye has made a 150-mile round trip to see a dentist after being told that he could have to wait up to two years to get an appointment locally.

Colin Lawson moved to Ross-on-Wye two years ago, but he was unable to register with a local NHS dental practice. He remained on the list at his old surgery in Symonds Yat, an hour’s drive from his new home.

Recently, Colin tried to get an appointment at his regular practice but was informed that he may have to wait around 18-24 months to see his dentist. After trying to contact practices in the area, Colin decided to drive to Cardiff to visit the practice he had previously been registered with before relocating to Symonds Yat.

Despite being able to get an appointment in Cardiff, Colin was told that there wouldn’t be time to administer the painkillers his dentist would usually use for the procedure, and he opted to have treatment without pain relief.

Colin said that he couldn’t face another 150-mile round trip to get to Cardiff to have another appointment, so he had no choice but to have his tooth filled without anaesthetic.

Data suggests that there was an 8% drop in the number of NHS dentists in Herefordshire and Worcestershire last year, as 33 dentists left the service to go private, retire or quit the profession altogether.

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