Health watchdog calls for urgent action amid claims dentists are ‘holding parents to ransom’

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Healthwatch England has called for urgent action to improve access to NHS dentistry for children, amid claims that dentists are ‘holding parents to ransom.’

A new report suggests that parents are finding it increasingly difficult to make appointments with NHS dentists. In addition, many adults have reported being pressured into considering private treatment for their children.

Some parents have contacted the watchdog after dentists who were unable to offer NHS appointments have offered immediate appointments for private patients.

In England, there has been a 44% reduction in the number of children treated by NHS dentists in 2021 compared to 2019. This equates to around 3 million dental appointments. There has also been a decrease of 17% in the number of adults treated.

In response to the report, Healthwatch England has called on the government to take immediate action to try to improve access to NHS dental services for children.

Tooth decay was already the leading cause of hospital treatment among children before the pandemic. If children are unable to see dentists regularly, rates of decay are likely to increase, causing pain for children and their parents and adding to NHS costs.

Research conducted by Healthwatch England indicates that there are access issues across the country.

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