Gum Can Prevent Tooth Decay in Children

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Children that chew gum may find that their oral health can be improved by chewing gum containing Xylitol, experts have revealed. 
Gum containing the natural sweetener, Xylitol, has been said to fight hard against bacteria that causes cavities as well as prevent tooth decay in children.
Experts say that by chewing Xylitol chewing gum it can increase the oral health of young chewers, though it is recommended that those wishing to gain the full benefit of the cavity fighting sweetener must chew up to three pieces of gum a day.
Peter Milgrom, a dentist at the University of Washington, said: ìXylitol is an anti-microbial ó so it’s acting against the bacteria themselves, so it helps prevent tooth decay.
“You have to chew at least two pieces, three times a day to have an effect.”
Those behind the suggestion also claim that other sugar free gum substitutes, such as those containing Sorbitol, may not have the desired preventive affects. 
Therefore Milogram suggests that the chewing gum ingredients should be verified before purchase.
Recent research taken out my experts on children that used strawberry flavoured Xylitol syrup over a period of ten months showed that the children using the sweetener were indeed receiving greater oral health. 
Results showed that the children had developed a 50-70% decrease in cavity development. Those that consume higher doses of Xylitol receive greater results.
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