Greens Increase Pressure on Government Over Dental Plans

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The Green Party is increasing pressure on the government to fund new public dental health initiatives.

The Green Party has campaigned tirelessly for better oral healthcare in Australia and agreed to join the coalition government to ensure that dental health was put on the agenda.

The Greens are urging the government to fund new public dental services as part of a significant upgrading process. However, the cost of the plan is proving to be a stumbling block, as the government claims that there is simply not enough money available for the changes to take place next year as originally planned.

A government review will be drafted and made available by December and it is expected to contain suggestions and initiatives to improve the dental care system. Richard Di Natale, the spokesman for health for the Green Party, said that he expected the government to introduce plans to make considerable improvements to the current system next year and added that the upgrade should benefit more than half a million Australians.

According to Di Natale, dental health problems are a major contributor to preventable emergency department visits and has called for a more universal, effective system, which can provide care for people who are currently struggling to receive treatment due to long waiting lists and excessive costs.

The Greens have already accepted delays in changes to the dental healthcare system but they are adamant that improvements must be made in next year’s Budget.


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