Governor signs bill to increase access to free dental care

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The Governor of Illinois has signed a bill, which will help to increase access to free and reduced rate dental services in the state.

Pat Quinn signed the bill to allow low income families greater access to dental care. Currently, hundreds of people are struggling to afford even basic dental care and many families are putting off going to the dentist because they cannot afford treatment and they do not have dental insurance.

The new bill will encourage licensed dentists from other states to offer their services at free clinics in Illinois; an increasing number of people are relying on free events and clinics and the clinics are often oversubscribed, with hundreds turning up to fill the appointments. Dentists and hygienists will now be granted temporary permits, which enable them to work at free surgeries in Illinois.

Governor Pat Quinn also signed a bill, which will help to improve nutrition and physical exercise in schools across the state of Illinois.

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