GDC Emphasizes Effective Communication and Safe Direst Access Practice

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In light of the recent Office of Fair Trading (OFT) report into dentistry, the General Dental Council (GDC) emphasizes that dentists practise effective communication and compliant direct access.

GDC Chair, Kevin O’Brien, draws on GDC research and professional experience as a clinician to recommend that dentists be clear and consistent in the communication with patients, and to revisit advice so that patients understand the care recommended and provided.

O’Brien suggests providing patients with information leaflets after consultation to help with their understanding of their dental care. During pre-curriculum registration training, new members of a dental team learn about communication as core to preparing for practice and in meeting ethical standards.

For patient safety and best patient care, it is critical for a patient to not receive any treatment from a member of the dental team until first seen by a dentist; with the exclusion of clinical dental technicians who may provide full dentures to patients without prescription. The GDC will provide further information about direct access during March 2013 as this is seen as crucial to the future of dental care delivery


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