Free tooth-whiting gel scam expensive

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The smile has been wiped from a woman’s face after a ‘free’ trial for tooth-whitening gel left her £90 out of pocket.
Marie Grant, 44, expected to cough up just £3 to have a free sample of Dazzle White sent to her home.
However, the woman from Airdrie was charged £90 by the US internet firm and has still not had a refund.
The Sunday Mail reported that Marie, who didn’t think much of the ‘free’ whitening pen she received, and thought no more about the £3 until she received three more tooth-whitening pens and a bank statement one morning in the post.
She discovered that Dazzle White had charged her £46 for the ‘free’ trial, £37 for the extra pens and two small amounts of £2 and £4.48 were also taken.
Marie told the paper that she had phoned Dazzle White to complain but it said that she should have cancelled her ‘subscription’ within two weeks.
After doing some research online, Marie found lots of people in forums reporting the same problem.
Dazzle White has since promised to remedy the problem and Halifax, Marie’s credit card firm, are making inquiries.
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February 15th, 2010 at 08:47 PM
Myrtle04951 Says :

I too was scammed by dazzle white. I discovered through my credit card that I had also subscribed to a fitness club and a beauty club that i had never heard of. It cost me £100. When I complained to these people they told me the terms and conditions were in the advert, so it seems that I had allowed them to pass on my credit card details to a syndicate. My credit card co. gave me some of the money back but I lost about £60.