Former Soap Star Brushes Her Teeth 10 Times Per Day

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Ex-Coronation street star, Helen Flanagan, has recently told sources that she brushes her teeth around ten times a day.

The 22-year-old informed the press that she carries a toothbrush and toothpaste around with her in order to brush her teeth after eating and smoking.

However, dentists have warned Helen that brushing her teeth so much will lead to the substantial erosion of the protective enamel. Helen was upset to learn that she was actually harming her teeth and stated that she is obsessed with brushing them.

Helen’s friend also commented on the matter, saying that Helen is paranoid and constantly scrubs her teeth in order to keep them clean.

The enamel protects the teeth from decay and sensitivity and so regular, excessive brushing leads to discolouration and other dental problems.

It is recommended that you brush your teeth twice a day, 3 times at the most, taking 2 minutes to clean them each time.

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