For strong teeth ditch the dairy and eat your greens

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Many people believe that you should drink lots of milk to keep your teeth strong and healthy – well not anymore.

There are actually higher levels of calcium in many green vegetables than in one class of milk.

And what’s more reports that the connection between strong teeth and cows milk is little more than an old wives tale.

Walter Veith, chair of the Zoology Department at the University of Western Cape, South Africa, told the website that mother’s milk is essential for young mammals but it is needed less and less with age.

He added that milk differs between mammals and this can make cow’s milk unsuitable for humans to consume, as there is a potential danger of ingesting antigens.

So if you want healthy teeth and bones stick to green veggies rather than dairy,

The George Mateljan Foundation, in America, suggests eating leafy vegetables like chard, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens and shredded cabbage to be the best way to get your daily dose of calcium.

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