Fire Crews Called to Doncaster Dental Practice Following Arson Attack

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Fire crews were called to a dental practice in Doncaster at the weekend, following an arson attack.

Fire fighters arrived at the practice in Thorne Road on Saturday night after a 999 call was made just before 10pm. Smoke was seen billowing out of the surgery and the flat above after a bag of rubbish was set alight near the property. By the time the crews arrived, the flames had been extinguished. The crews checked the building and the surrounding area to ensure it was safe.

Representatives from the fire service confirmed that nobody had been injured, and described the smoke damage inside the building as minimal. Three engines attended the incident, two from Doncaster and the other from near Edlington.

Fire fighters believe that arsonists were to blame, and that the fire was started by lighting some rubbish near a coal shoot. The fire spread to the surgery and the flat above, but thankfully there was no serious damage and no injuries.

The incident occurred at approximately 9.55pm on Saturday 6th September.


*Please note: Image is a stock image and therefore does not represent the incident described in this article.
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