East grinstead Dentist To Conquer Fears Of Water To Compete In Charity Triathlon

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A dentist from East Grinstead is taking swimming lesions to try and overcome his fear of water; Jaspal Sandhu is aiming to take part in a triathlon in order to raise money for charity.

Mr Sandhu, from East Grinstead High Street Dental Practice, signed up to compete in the Virgin Active London Triathlon, which involves a 10 kilometre run, a 1,500 metre swim and a 40km cycle; the only problem is that he had a major fear of water and admitted that he was not very good at swimming.

The event will take place on the 28th July and Mr Sandhu has started swimming lessons and plans to work on his running and cycling, both of which he admitted that he “wasn’t great” at. When asked why he was doing the challenge, Mr Sandhu joked that he wasn’t really sure but wanted to do something challenging to raise money for a good cause. The dentist is running, cycling and swimming in aid of Make A Wish, a charity, which helps to make wishes come true for children who have life-threatening conditions. Mr Sandhu also said that giving back to the community was an important gesture for the practice.

Mr Sandhu is now training five times a week with fitness club manager, David Forbes and he is also working with East Grinstead Sports Club chairman, Jeff Morris. He has started an intensive 12 week training plan to build his strength and endurance.

Mr Sandhu said that he was a little scared after his first swimming lesson, especially as the pool is warm and shallow enough to stand up and rest if you get tired; the Docklands open water swim will be much tougher, but the dentist is confident that he can finish the race and help children’s dreams come true.

Anyone who wants to sponsor Mr Sandhu is encouraged to contact the practice or visit his Facebook page.


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