Developers submit plans to open a new dental practice in Chalfont St Peter

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Developers have submitted a planning application to open a brand new dental practice in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire.

If the proposal is given the green light, the surgery will open in premises previously used for retail purposes in Market Street. Developers are planning to change the use of the first and second floors of the building and add a single-storey extension at the back of the premises. The car park will also be modified and the entrance will be adapted to provide a ramp for disabled access.

If the plans are approved by the council, the opening of the surgery could create up to 14 new jobs as well as providing local patients with access to dental services on their doorstep. There are no plans to change the existing shopfront.

In a statement accompanying the application, developers suggested that the practice would provide extended opening hours making dentistry more accessible for people who work full-time and those who do shift work. The surgery would also ease pressure on existing providers by offering more dental places and enable more local people to take advantage of dental services. The practice would offer a 24-hour helpline and developers also believe that it would benefit other businesses in Market Street by bringing customers to the area and increasing footfall.

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