Dentist Who Bought John Lennon’s Tooth Hoping To Clone Beatles Star

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A Canadian dentist who paid thousands of dollars for one of John Lennon’s molar teeth has revealed hopes to clone the Beatles star.

Dr Michael Zuk, paid more than $30,000 for the tooth at an auction in the UK in 2011. He has since handed the molar over to scientists in the USA to determine whether or not the DNA code can be extracted from the tooth. Dr Zuk said that the dream is to be able to sequence John Lennon’s DNA, which could eventually enable the music legend to be cloned.

The dentist, who is a huge Beatles fan, said that to be part of the process to bring back one of the world’s most iconic music stars would be “mind-blowing.”

Last year, Dr Zuk temporarily donated the tooth to a number of practices in the UK to raise awareness of mouth cancer. The tooth was displayed in surgeries all over the UK during Mouth Cancer Awareness Month.

Dr Zuk describes himself as a “tooth collector” as he paid around $10,000 for one of Elvis Presley’s dental crowns, also.

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