Dentist numbers fall to under 200 in Cornwall

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The number of dentists working in Cornwall has dropped to under 200, according to new figures.

Data from NHS England shows that there are currently 198 dentists based in the county. This means that there is one dentist for every 2,858 people. The number of adult patients who have an NHS dentist fell from 188,800 in June 2021 to 155,985 in December of the same year.

The figures suggest that dentist numbers are dropping across the county, but some areas are better served than others. Research conducted by Dental Phobia revealed that Truro has the most NHS dentists followed by Falmouth, Bodmin and Penzance.

Dental Phobia surveys show that access issues are a factor for many patients in Cornwall who are delaying getting treatment. Many assume that they won’t be able to get an appointment or they try to contact their dentist to be informed that there are no appointments available. The cost of living is also impacting residents, with some admitting that they are afraid to go to the dentist because they can’t afford treatment.

The shortage of NHS dentists in Cornwall is not just affecting adults. Data also shows that the average time between routine checks has increased to over 12 months among children. Most children are now waiting 15 months between examinations. This is the first time on record that the waiting time has exceeded a year. Researchers believe that the pandemic has impacted statistics, as well as a shortage of NHS dental professionals. Some parents have not been back to the dentist since 2020.

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