Dentist highlights dental side effects of vaping

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Vaping is often thought of as a less harmful alternative to smoking, but dentists have stressed that are risks.

Dr Michael Heffernan, from The Wessex Dental Specialist Care, said that it is possible to tell that people vape simply by looking at their mouths. Vaping is not as damaging to oral health as smoking or chewing tobacco, but it does elevate the risk of some common oral health problems, including gum disease and dry mouth. This is due to the presence of heated ingredients in aerosols.

Dr Heffernan advised patients who are vaping to have a chat with their dentist or hygienist. He explained that dental teams are not there to judge but it’s helpful for them to be aware so that they can look out for warning signs and offer advice if there are early signs of dental problems.

Vaping has become more common in the UK in the last few years. Many adults choose to swap smoking for vaping as it less harmful but there has been a significant rise in the number of children who vape. This is worrying, as vaping products are only supposed to be sold to over 18s. Experts are particularly worried about single use products, which are often brightly coloured. Some shops, including major supermarkets, are now storing products behind counters to discourage under 18s from trying to buy disposable vapes.

Vaping is relatively new and so far, there hasn’t been a huge amount of research into the effects of vaping on oral health. However, Dr Heffernan suggested that gum disease is more prevalent in non-smokers who take up vaping. Smokers who switch to vaping as a means of giving up are likely to see improvements in their oral health.

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