Dentist drills replaced by plasma jets

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Experts have revealed that a tooth decay eradicating plasma jet could replace the dentist’s drill within three years.

The non-invasive non-painful jet works by injecting electrically charged oxygen atoms into cavities obliterating harmful bacteria.

In the past, dentists would drill holes into infected teeth and then fill the hole to prevent further infection.

Many people are scared of going to the dentists because of these types of invasive procedures but with the new plasma jet this could be a thing of the past.

German researchers discovered that the jet can reduce bacteria levels by as much as 10,000 times while examining dental bugs like Lactobacillus casei  and Streptococcus mutans.

Dr Stefan Rupf, of Saarland University, Homburg, revealed that the low temperature jet kills the bacteria while preserving teeth.>

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