Dentist continues campaign against jaw surgery

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John Mew, an 81 year old dentist, has been campaigning against jaw surgery on children for over 40 years and has vowed to continue his fight.

Mew believes that operations carried out to correct an underbite are unnecessary and put children at risk of complications. The surgery is usually used to correct the alignment of the jaws and upper and lower sets of teeth; it is commonly used to improve the physical appearance of the patient, as well as improving the function of the teeth. The procedure is usually carried out on children aged between 13 and 18 and usually involves moving the upper jaw back slightly.

The 81 year old dentist has accused dentists of promoting surgery as the only possible treatment for jaw problems and believes they could be using much less invasive methods; he implied that the operations could potentially prove life threatening for many children and in many cases are not as successful as hoped. The procedure is very invasive and has the potential to leave patients with a permanent disfigurement.

As an alternative, Mr Mew is promoting a treatment known as orthoptropics, which involves the use of removable devices that are made of resin and very fine wires; the device is fitted on the teeth. Over time, the treatment encourages the facial bones to grow in the correct direction; this treatment can be used on children as young as 8, as they’re bones can be corrected before it is too late.

Earlier this month, Mr Mew was reprimanded by the General Dental Council as a result of his controversial comments on jaw surgery. The institution was angered by the allegations that dentists are putting children at risk and has slammed Mr Mew’s comments. However, Mr Mew has vowed to fight on and will continue in his quest to prevent children from having ‘unnecessary’ treatment. 

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