Dental X-Rays Can Determine Fracture Risk

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Researchers have found that dental X-rays can help to determine whether patients have a high risk of fractures.

Researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy said that X-rays of the lower jaw can help to identify people who have a higher risk of suffering fractures. Lauren Lissner, from the Institute of Medicine at the academy, said that a lack of bone tissue in the lower jaw is directly connected to an increased susceptibility to fractures, especially in middle-aged and older people.

During the study, scientists analysed data from the Prospective Population Study of Women in Gothenburg, which was launched in 1968. The results of the study showed that patients with less dense jaw bones were more likely to suffer from fractures.

The data used in the study relates to women but researchers believe that the same outcome would arise if date from male patients was analysed.

Dental X-rays are a common test used by dentists to diagnose fractures and oral health conditions and to check the density of the bone tissue prior to dental implants treatment. The results of the research study will be useful for dentists, as they can identify patients who have a higher risk of fractures as a result of having low density jaw bone tissue.


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