Dental Receptionist Brimming With Confidence After Losing Half Her Body Weight

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Losing weight and getting fit are two of the most common New Year’s resolutions and a dental receptionist from Armagh is glad she decided to bite the bullet and change her lifestyle; mother of one, Fiona Duggan, has lost half her body weight and is now brimming with confidence and looking forward to the year ahead.

Fiona decided to do something about her weight after being forced to turn down the invitation to be a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding because she felt too self-conscious about her size. On the day, Fiona said that it was very upsetting and she used this as a turning point to lose weight and regain her confidence. Fiona joined Weight Watchers and changed her diet and lifestyle. She soon found that she was losing weight steadily and her confidence was growing week by week.

Fiona has lost ten stone over the last four years and although she said that it has been very hard work and progress was very slow at some points, the hard work was definitely worth it and she now feels great, as well as being happy when she looks in the mirror. Fiona admitted that the family used to eat a very unhealthy diet and she is glad that the changes she has made will also benefit her husband and son.

Dietician Maria Jones warned people against fad diets, which have become very popular as a result of celebrity endorsements; Ms Jones said that January is the most common month for people to decide to lose weight, but they should do this is a healthy way by adopting a good, balanced and varied diet and doing plenty of exercise.

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