Dental problems causing people to take time off work

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According to the British Dental Health Foundation dental problems are causing people to take time off work.

Official figures suggest that 18,000 people took time off work in the last quarter of last year as a result of mouth and dental problems; these problems are classified with eye, nose and ear problems by the Office of National Statistics.

The statistics show that women are twice as likely to take time off work that men and confirms that people take more time off work for dental problems that heart and circulation problems.

Days off work for sickness cost 32 billion pounds and the British Dental Health Foundation believes that people could prevent dental problems by making simple changes to their lifestyle and spending a few minutes each day cleaning and caring for their teeth and gums.

The BDHF suggested that eating habits at work were not helping, as many people snack on foods that have high sugar content and graze throughout the day. Sugary foods cause plaque acids to be formed; these acids weaken the enamel surfaces of the teeth, leaving the teeth weak and susceptible to damage. Grazing and snacking throughout the day means that the teeth are constantly under attack. Dental experts recommend eating sugary foods only at mealtimes, snacking on nuts, cheese and raw vegetables and drinking water and sugar-free drinks, rather than energy drinks or fizzy drinks.

A good daily oral hygiene routine will also help to reduce the risk of oral health diseases; a good regime should include brushing the teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time, using floss and rinsing the mouth with mouthwash. Regular check-ups with the dentist are also essential for good oral health.

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