Dental Laser Manufacturers Go To Court

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Biolase Technology (California) has filed a counter lawsuit in opposition to a lawsuit filed by National Laser Technology (NLT) (Indiana). The issues are deceptive product promotion, patient safety and fairness. NLT charges BIOLASE with cornering the dental laser market (hard-tissue), by having dentists buy their laser system(s) instead of that of NLT.
BIOLASE controls eighty five percent of the dental laser market, and NLT has accused BIOLASE of not selling the parts and products needed for refurnished NLT BIOLASE units or training NLT customers, and that they misled NLT customers. NLT’s chief executive officer is saying that BIOLASE is attempting to harm NLT and NLT customers.
BIOLASE is claiming that NLT is not complying with regulatory acts (i.e., the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act) when they are reselling the refurbished units. Also, NLT is putting dentists and patients at risk. There is no association or business arrangement between the two companies, and NLT is not authorized by BIOLASE to sell refurbished BIOLASE units.

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