Dental Father of Facebook?

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The Dentist Father of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is using his son’s notoriety in a bid to market his dental practice.

Edward J. Zuckerberg, a Dobbs Ferry New York situated dental practitioner has taken to highlighting his link to the wildly popular social network in his marketing material.

In a letter to Dobbs Ferry residents Zuckerberg Sr. wrote: ‘Technologically, I am proud to inform you that my office has always been on the cutting edge as early adopters of technology. Indeed, I am literally the Father of Facebook!’

Although his dentistry may be stellar, his understanding of basic reproductive biology and the English language appears to be rather more limited. It is clear to anyone who has seen the hit film The Social Network that Zuckerberg Sr. had very little to do with the birth of the popular website, his claim to be ‘literally the father of facebook,’ seems to be spurious at best.

Unsurprisingly the ‘father of Facebook’ has a page for his dental practice on the social networking site.

One wonders what Mark Zuckerberg, a man with rather more involvement in the setting up of the site, and his sister Randi Zuckerberg, who also worked for the company, think about their Dad’s attempt to cash in on all their hard work.

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