Dental Disease-The Most Common Health Problem in Pets

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Dental disease is the most common health problem among pets, with up to 95 percent of cats and dogs experiencing symptoms of gum disease and decay during their lifetime.

Most people are aware of the importance of oral hygiene for good oral health, but they fail to realise that this approach is equally important for their pets. Surveys consistently show that the majority of pet owners do not take steps to protect their pet’s oral health and vets and animal welfare campaigners are eager to raise awareness of the importance of pet oral health.

Common symptoms to look out for include bleeding, swollen and sore gums, which may prevent pets from eating normally, pain during chewing or biting, bad breath and plaque build-up around the gums. Gum disease is very common and it can usually be treated very simply if caught at an early stage; however, if gum disease is left untreated, the condition develops and it can be difficult to treat, as well as very painful for the pet. There is also evidence to suggest that gum disease can contribute to general health problems, including liver, heart and kidney disease.

In order to reduce the risk of oral health diseases, vets encourage owners to take their pet for regular dental checks, brush their pet’s teeth on a regular basis and use specially-designed chews and toys to strengthen and clean the teeth and gums.


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