Dental college offers free care for victims of domestic violence

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The College of Dental Medicine at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) is offering free dental care for victims of domestic violence.

Often, women who have been subjected to violence and abuse have extensive dental problems and many of them have not visited a dentist in several years. Victims are often ashamed and embarrassed about their oral health and cannot afford the cost of treatment.

The College of Dental Medicine is providing the service with the help of a 3 year grant from the US Health Resources and Services Adminstration. Staff from the school will provide victims with routine treatments, dentures, restorations and preventative services.

Dental services are available at several non-profit sites and children of victims can also benefit from the programme; the team will use portable dental equipment to treat the patients at shelters and hostels, meaning they do have to leave their homes to get treatment. 107 people have already been treated as a result of the scheme and another 100 patients are expected to receive treatment before funding expires in June next year.

According to project manager and assistant dean at the dental college, Stephen Abel, this scheme provides an extremely valuable service to vulnerable people who would otherwise struggle to get the treatment they need.

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January 26th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Agnese Cinovska Says :

Hello,just wanted to ask if you can help me,I have big dental problems,I am just 27 years old,but my mouth looks like I am 80 years of age.Can’t smile since I was 20,i am ashamed of my self,I have no confidents,I just don’t like my self.I have been to several consultations in London,som of them wanted to remove all my tooth,but I still hope that there is something I can save.And the prices of treatments are too high,just can’t afford with my care assistant job.Don’t know what to do and where to get help.
