Dental Care an Unaffordable Luxury For Many

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Dentists in York and Adams counties say that dental care has become an unaffordable luxury for many people in the area.

Executive director of Family First Health, Jenny Englerth, said that a growing number of people cannot afford dental care and some people are so desperate that they have tried to repair their own teeth. Dentists at the practice say that they are seeing more and more patients who require corrective treatment because they have tried to repair chipped and damaged teeth.

Englerth said that many people are using the Internet to try and research how to repair damaged and broken teeth, instead of visiting their dentist. Self-repair is on the increase, but it is causing problems for patients and dentists, as patients are forced to see their dentists to correct their repair jobs and dentists have the complex task of repairing botched jobs.

Englerth also said that a growing number of people are putting off routine dental care because they cannot afford it; as a result of this, many patients are turning up at the dental office with severe tooth pain, which has been caused by neglecting oral health problems. Putting off dental treatment is counter-productive, as treatment for complex problems is much more expensive than regular routine treatment.

Englerth said that many people view dental care in a different way to healthcare, which they tend to prioritise. However, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that good oral health is very important for good general health, with numerous studies linking poor oral health to an increased risk of serious health conditions, including heart disease and strokes.

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