Demand for Cosmetic Dentistry Growing in Australia

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Dentists in Australia have experienced a significant increase in the demand for cosmetic dental treatments.

Some surgeries have reported an increased in demand of around 60 percent, with middle-aged women the most likely candidates for treatment.

Dentists are attributing the boom in cosmetic treatments to the growing popularity of makeover shows such as The Swan and Extreme Makeover, which have come over from America and the increased focus on celebrity culture in the media. Dentists also say that the increased accessibility and affordability of cosmetic treatments has lead to an increase in their popularity and payment pans can now be used to spread the cost and procedures are quicker and less invasive.

Kia Pajouhesh, principal dentist at Melbourne’s Smile Solutions, said that cosmetic dentistry has become a science and people have much greater confidence in the treatments and the dentists. She also added that people are more concerned about their appearance, with attitudes changing a great deal within the last 15 years. 15 years ago people were happy to have treatments that fixed problems, whereas now they look for treatments that will enhance the aesthetic of the smile, as well as restore or improve function.

The most popular cosmetic dental treatments include porcelain veneers, tooth whitening and invisible braces.


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