Demand for cosmetic dental work has ‘gone off the Richter scale’ Irish dentist claims

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The demand for cosmetic dental treatments has ‘gone off the Richter scale’ during the pandemic, according to a leading Irish dentist.

Chair of the GP Committee of the Irish Dental Association, Dr Caroline Robins, claims that there has been a huge increase in requests and enquiries for cosmetic dental work since the start of the pandemic. Dr Robins, who runs Kiwi Dental in Carlow, suggested that Zoom meetings and video calls have prompted people to be more critical about their appearance and to take more of an interest in cosmetic dental solutions.

Since the Covid-19 crisis hit, millions of people have been working from home and communicating with colleagues, friends and family via video calls and virtual meetings. Hours of staring at our faces on screen has contributed to a surge in demand for cosmetic dental treatments, with many eager to address imperfections and enhance their smiles. Examples of popular cosmetic services include tooth whitening, veneers and aesthetic bonding.

Dr Robins also said that there has been a significant increase in the number of dental patients presenting with signs of stress, including chipped and worn teeth, jaw pain and headaches. Stress and anxiety can increase the risk of bruxism, also known as teeth grinding or clenching. Bruxism can be managed using splints or bite guards, which prevent contact between the upper and lower arches of teeth.

It is beneficial to treat tooth grinding because it can contribute to TMJ disorder, a series of symptoms that affect the temporomandibular joint. This joint connects the skull and the jaw. Signs of TMJ disorder including a stiff jaw, jaw pain, headaches, limited movement in the jaw and clicking and popping noises when the jaw moves.

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