Council members support removal of fluoride in Calgary

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The majority of city council members in Calgary are supporting a motion to remove fluoride from water supplies in the area, it has been revealed.

Alderman Druh Farrell launched the motion, which will go to council next Monday; she claims that her motion has the support of at least eight of her colleagues in the 15-man council. Farrell has campaigned for fluoride to be removed from the water supply before but has failed to gain the support of the majority of council members; however, this time, she feels that a positive result is inevitable. Farrell said that fluoridating the water supply is unnecessary because there are so many other ways to access fluoride.

The fluoride debate has been raging in many countries and recently, the argument in favour of scrapping water fluoridation has gathered pace; recently, an increasing number of communities have voted against water fluoridation and many people in both the USA and Canada are campaigning against the addition of fluoride to municipal water supplies.

If the council votes in favour of removing fluoride from the water system, the motion will then be passed onto Alberta Environment for approval.

Many dentists and researchers still maintain that fluoride is essential for healthy teeth and many are of the opinion that there is little evidence to suggest that the level of fluoride present in water supplies is sufficient to cause any form of health problems. The debate looks set to continue and the result of the Calgary vote will be announced on Monday.

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January 5th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
jwillie6 Says :

If you want flouride in your water, put it in your own glass of water, leave the rest of us out of it.
If fluoride were “proven,” there should be evidence of its glory in the U.S. state, Kentucky, which has been 100% fluoridated for over 40 years. Kentucky, however, leads the nation in the number of dental cavities in children, and in the number of completely toothless adults, according to government records. The same ineffectiveness is evident in many states and cities.

Most of Europe (16 countries) has rejected fluoridation and is 98% fluoride free. and the WHO reports that they have a better tooth decay rate than any fluoridated country.
There are many large scientific studies to show that that drinking fluoridated water has no effect on cavity reduction and to show that it causes cancer and other health problems. The best source for scientific information on fluoridation can be found here: (

January 6th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Mike Leibel Says :

I hope that council votes this out once and for all. Flouride is not supposed to be consumed. Calgarians should not have to be medicated against their will. Most other major cities have already removed it. Maybe I will be able to drink the water here again soon.

January 6th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Pat Leibel Says :

Why an environment ministry should need to be consulted before removing poison from the water system is ludicrous – to this man’s way of thinking.

Should they block it it will be very clear to me that big industry owns the government.

January 7th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Lesley McMillan Says :

Good move! I wish the politians in Australia were as open minded as council members in Calgary!
In Dec 2007, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, a common form of hypothyroidism which I found can be caused by fluoride. After 35yrs exposure to unknown dosages of fluoride, I started to avoid fluoridated water and all products containing it and 6 months later my thyroid hormone levels had returned to normal. With high antibody counts, my battle with the disease is ongoing and it requires great discipline to maintain a fluoride free diet in Australia. Last year my health deteriorated again so I also began to avoid all physical contact with fluoridated water. A month later my health improved once again.
Having nothing against fluoride I believe we all deserve the right to choose.

January 8th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Tina Says :

The only thing fluoride in the drinking water is doing is dumbing down the masses for the ruling class. Water fluoridation promoters are criminals and should be put in jail.

January 11th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Peacelovemakingh Says :

Yeah remove the fluorine. The dudes who do this have lost contact with nature and have become evil, but the MILLIONS are awakening regardless. The ego creates evil and like the Buddhist/Hindus and Christians say, EVERYTHING in existence will fall. And the bad stuff falls harder and fast 😛


January 11th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
NecktopPC Says :

It would be one of the smartest and most considerate things that the city council members in Calgary would have accomplished…having voted FLUORIDE out of their drinking water.

Hopefully, other municipalities will very soon wake up to the overwhelming information, that clearly describes the weird science behind this whole concept, getting started in the first place…Michigan, of the [UNITED STATES].

January 11th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
David Hill Says :

A quote from an administrative letter from Rebecca
Hammer at the EPA in 1983:

“In regards to the use of fluosilicic acid as a source for fluoride for
fluoridation, this agency regards such use as an ideal environmental solution
to a long-standing problem. By recovering by-product fluosilicic acid
from fertilizer manufacturing, water and air pollution are minimized, and
water utilities have a low-cost source of fluoride to them”

It is illogical to suggest that a substance is a pollutant if it escapes into the air, or water, but a beneficial medication if added to drinking water. The industrial by-product, collected to avoid polluting the environment, is contaminated with led, arsenic and cadmium. Fuoride is toxic to many body organs, including teeth (fluorosis), bones (making them brittle), ligaments (calcification), the pineal gland (interfering with melatonin production), the thyroid (reduced activity), the brain (it’s a neurotoxin and reduces IQ), and it is mutagenic (whch means it can cause cancer). Even more surprising to many, it doesn’t even have any effect on tooth decay, as has been shown by both ecological and case-controlled studies.