Cockermouth dental team collects coats for the homeless

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A dental team from Cockermouth has been collecting coats for the homeless ready for winter.

Staff at Goodwin Dental Practice launched an appeal weeks ago in a bid to collect spare coats to hand out to people sleeping on the streets this winter. The collection ends on November 2nd. The project is part of a series of community initiatives run by Wrap Up UK.

The team at Goodwin Dental Practice has been swamped with donations since asking patients and local residents to help out and everyone is delighted with the number of coats collected.

The appeal was for warm jackets and outwear that people had bought and not used, as well as second-hand items that were no longer needed or wanted.

The practice set up a collection point outside the main entrance, which enabled local residents to drop off their coats without entering the building, making it safer in line with current Covid-19 measures.

Over the course of the first weekend, dozens of coats were dropped off and the team had already filled two huge bags shortly after announcing the appeal.

Lynn Bulman, a dental nurse at the practice, said that the response from patients and locals has been brilliant. People have provided coats for adults, teenagers and children and many have been scouring lofts, cloakrooms and wardrobes looking for items to donate as the cold weather approaches.

The practice team supports multiple charities every year and is proud to be involved in community projects. Wrap Up UK is a charity that was chosen by the owner of the surgery, Deborah Goodwin, who has been supporting the organisation for many years.

For more news click here.

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