Cockermouth Dental Practice to Stay Put

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Members of staff from a Cockermouth dental practice have confirmed that the practice will stay put, rather than relocating to a new hospital on Isel Road.

There had been talks about Goodwin and Associates moving to the new, state of the art community hospital, which cost £11 million to build; however, the owner of the surgery, Deborah Goodwin, has confirmed that the move will not take place and the surgery will remain in the current premises on Kirkgate.

The practice has been located on Kirkgate for almost two decades. Dr Goodwin recently sent out letters to patients to make them aware of the decision, stating that the Kirkgate surgery was not just any place, but home to the practice and everyone is pleased that a decision has been made and the practice will be remaining in the same location.

Dr Goodwin has not commented on the decision, but it is believed that the practice will be undergoing modernisation work in the near future.

The new community hospital is run by Community Health Partnerships and representatives have confirmed that they will now be looking into other options to fill the available space. In a statement, Community Health Partnerships and NHS England confirmed that the dentist had rejected a move to the new hospital and added that while this was disappointing, it was an understandable decision, given the history at the current premises. The practice will continue to provide NHS dental care in the town, which means that access will be maintained and health authorities are looking into dental services across the county to identify any problem areas.

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