Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Bullied children turn to cosmetic surgery

Bullied children turn to cosmetic surgery

Children who are bullied about their appearance are asking for cosmetic surgery, according to one of the foremost plastic surgeons in the UK.  Douglas McGeorge, head of the British Association of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, believes cosmetic surgery could have a positive impact for adolescents who suffer bullying due to the way they look. He […]

Bad breath – the best kept secret

Bad breath – the best kept secret

A recent poll has shown that nine out of ten people who have bad breath are unwilling to inform family and friends. The survey was carried out on over 1,500 patients at a dental practice in Cheshire, with most patients found to keep bad breath a secret rather than let others know. Such startling figures […]

Dentist′s make mint on public health work

Dentist′s make mint on public health work

New figures from Ireland have revealed that five dentists were paid more than €300,000 for free public dental work last year. Medical card holders are allowed to access certain health services free of charge but it seems that some dentists are receiving disproportionate fees from the government for this work. €59 million was paid out […]

Predatory dentists pleads no contest to child sex abuse charges

Predatory dentists pleads no contest to child sex abuse charges

A voracious dentist pleaded no contest on Monday to child sex charges. Now retired, David Rees Sperry, 68, is accused of grabbing two boys on a Florida beach and forcing one of them to perform oral sex. This plea has allowed Sperry to avoid a trial in which, it was suggested by the Newark Advocate, […]

September is the month to care about your pet′s teeth

September is the month to care about your pet′s teeth

Brushing your teeth is a crucial part of everyday life for most people but would you be prepared to do the same with your cat or dog? The PetSmile campaign begins tomorrow and runs for the whole of September in an attempt to encourage owners to take better care of their animals’ teeth. Doggy dental […]

September named Oral Health Month

September named Oral Health Month

The British Dental Association (BDA) has declared September Colgate Oral health Month. Throughout Oral Health Month (OHM), now in it’s eighth year, Colgate will be conducting a national tour of tooth brushing stations offering free advice to people who want to brush up on their oral hygiene practices. The tooth brushing stations, which will be […]

Tooth taxi: a novel approach to dentistry

Tooth taxi: a novel approach to dentistry

Most people are used to sitting in a pristine waiting room before they go to get their teeth examined by their local dentist. But how would you feel about waiting to get your oral check up in a car park before having a tooth removed inside a truck? One American state has gone for the […]

Saliva swab can diagnose cancer, say scientists

Saliva swab can diagnose cancer, say scientists

Low levels of certain chemicals in saliva indicate the presence of cancer, according to researchers from the University of California Los Angeles School of Dentistry.  A saliva swab could eventually replace the biopsy as a diagnostic measure, but experts have warned that more research is necessary before we could hail the discovery as the “holy […]

Mouth Cancer Action Month announced

Mouth Cancer Action Month announced

Following last week’s news that record numbers of UK patients have been diagnosed with mouth cancer, the British Dental Health Foundation has announced a month-long awareness campaign. Mouth Cancer Action Mouth, scheduled for November, will run under the tagline “If In Doubt, Check It Out”. Self-examination and oral screenings will be urged. The British Dental […]

Toothache sees man travel 220 miles for dental appointment

Toothache sees man travel 220 miles for dental appointment

A man from Spalding, South Lincolnshire, had to travel 220 miles when he had a painful bout of painful toothache as he was not registered with a dentist. Alan Long, aged 55, attempted to make an emergency dental appointment in his home town but was unable to get one with either an NHS or private […]