Cambridge Dentist Urges Patients to Brush for Longer

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A dentist from Cambridge is urging people to brush for longer in a bid to save their teeth. Writing in the local press, Dr Thomas O’Connor claims that many people brush their teeth without paying attention to the recommended time-frame and this is short-changing the teeth and gums, contributing to an increased risk of decay and gum disease.

Dr O’Connor claims that most people don’t brush their teeth for long enough, even though they may be confident that they brush for at least a few minutes each time. In truth, if most people timed themselves brushing their teeth they would probably fall short of the recommend two minutes.

To conquer this problem, Dr O’Connor suggests some very simple solutions: you could set a timer on your phone, use an egg-timer or invest in an electric toothbrush with a built-in timer.

By missing out on valuable brushing time, Dr O’Connor warns that the teeth are prone to damage and decay. If you brush for less than two minutes, there is a good chance that you haven’t done a thorough job and there will be bacteria and food debris left behind, which could eventually turn into plaque.

By focusing on a two-minute target, Dr O’Connor believes that patients will notice a real difference in no time at all and they will vastly reduce the risk of bad breath, cavities and gum disease.

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