BDA urges the government to focus on poorer people

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Representatives from the British Dental Association have urged the government to address the link between poor oral health and socioeconomic factors.

Professor Damien Walmsley, the BDA’s scientific adviser, was speaking after the results of the 2009 adult dental health survey were revealed. The survey showed a significant connection between standards of oral health and standards of living, with poorer people suffering from poor oral health. Professor Walmsley said that the results of the survey were alarming because they demonstrated the link between social deprivation and poor oral health; he claims that improving oral health amongst poorer people must now be a priority for the new government.

In general, the results of the survey were positive and the BDA welcomed the news that standards of oral health were improving in Northern Ireland, England and Wales; the survey showed that more people are keeping their natural teeth for longer and more people were visiting their dentist on a regular basis. Wales lagged behind England and Northern Ireland but the results were still better than those revealed by the 1999 survey.

The BDA was upbeat after the results of the 2009 survey were revealed; however, representatives were keen to point out that more needs to be done to help those in poorer communities. The government is investing in dental services across the UK and new NHS dental practices are opening all the time; the number of patients registered with an NHS dentist has increased in recent years and many Primary Care Trusts have confirmed that investment in NHS dental care will continue in the future.

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