BDA Chair Suggest this is the Worst Time to be a Dentist in England

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The Chair of the British Dental Association’s Executive Board has suggested that this “could be the worst time to be a dentist in England.”

Dr Susie Sanderson made the claims in a blog article on the BDA website and blamed excessive regulation, a failing dental contract, changes in the NHS pension system and proposals to ban new applicants from the seniority pay scheme, for low morale in dentists currently working in this country.

Despite the pessimistic situation, Dr Sanderson suggests that dentists should be optimistic about the future, as pilots are currently taking place around the country to try and improve the dental contract and make the system more effective for patients and dentists.

Sanderson also mentions patient satisfaction in her blog entry. The recent Adult Dental Health Survey and feedback on patient websites is largely positive and dentists must be encouraged by the gratitude and praise they receive. Sanderson also stressed that dentists must continue to strive for optimum professional standards to ensure that patients have complete trust in their dentist.


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