Bad breath can be treated

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Everyone can suffer from bad breath at any time but it is often preventable and easily treated.
Chronic bad breath, known as halitosis, is embarrassing and can affect self-esteem and relationships with people you meet. But there are some easy answers to the bad breath problem.
If you are concerned about bad breath visit your dentist as they will be able to determine if an unhealthy mouth has caused your bad breath and recommend some options for treatment.
There are several causes of halitosis. Your diet can affect the way your breath smells. Your bloodstream absorbs food and odours can transfer to the lungs and be expelled in your breath.
If you don’t brush and floss regularly food particles can remain on your teeth and bacteria will develop in your mouth. This bacteria causes odours. So brush twice a day.
Gum disease can also cause a smelly mouth. When tissues that support your teeth become infected plaque and bacteria are forming. These cause bad breath. Other medical disorders can have the same effect, including diabetes, kidney problems, liver problems and infections in your respiratory tract.
Bad breath can also be a sign of a leaking crown or filling. If there is a fracture or gap in a filled tooth this can become filled with bacteria and needs to be treated by a dentists to resolve the issue.
A dry mouth can also cause halitosis. Saliva rinses odour-producing bacteria away from the mouth but if you are not producing enough saliva your mouth can become smell. Talk to your dentist if you believe you have a dry mouth and see what treatment he or she suggests. You can buy saliva substitutes but this may not be necessary.
Visit the dentist every six months to keep bad breath at bay.
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