Application Submitted to Create New Supermarket Dental Practice in Carlisle

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A planning application to create a new dental practice in a Sainsbury’s store in Carlisle has been submitted to the council.

The Centre for Dentistry is aiming to open a new dental surgery in the Caldewgate branch and has sent an application to Carlisle City Council.

A spokesman for the chain said that the unique partnership with Sainsbury’s offers clients the chance to enjoy extended opening hours, dental services on their doorstep and the chance to access a multitude of services under one roof. There are already several practices within supermarket stores in the UK and the Centre for Dentistry believes it offers something completely different to traditional dental clinics.

The chain, which has 25 supermarket clinics, believes it offers an affordable alternative to costly private care and gives patients the opportunity to access treatment without joining lengthy NHS waiting lists.

If the application is successful, the clinic will open 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday with an emergency service on Sundays.

The application focuses on the positive impact on access to dental services a new clinic would provide in this specific area, which has a large student population.

A decision on the application is expected in the near future.

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