Aboriginal Dental Health In Crisis

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Dental experts are concerned about the dental health of the Aboriginal population of Australia.

Orthodontist, Dr John Owen, from the Kimberley Dental Team, feels that the issue is a hidden crisis, with standards of health very poor and many people suffering from problems that are largely preventable.

Dr Owen is one of many dentists trying to make a difference in underserved areas. He is aware that some people actively avoid going to the dentist, but he makes the effort to travel to all parts of the Kimberley to reach out to people and provide care for those who probably would have never gone to see a dentist.

Dr Owen believes that there are many underlying issues, which have contributed to a modern-day crisis. Education is poor, access to dental care is poor and people inherit bad habits from previous generations. He, along with his wife, is trying to change the perception of having dental treatment and also aiming to educate people about methods of preventing gum disease and tooth decay.

Figures consistently show that standards of oral health are considerably lower in Aboriginal communities and diet is a major problem, in addition to poor access to dental services and poor oral hygiene habits.

Jan, John’s wife, believes that diet is a real problem, as many people simply do not realise how much sugar they are consuming and what impact it has on their oral health.

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