A Kiss a Day Keeps the…Dentist Away!

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With National Kissing Day (yes that is a real day apparently) not far away, the theme of kissing and romance has been quietly making its way around the Internet, and even the dental world!

It has recently been discovered that kissing is actually good for your health, in particular, your dental health. Amongst other things, kissing can help prevent tooth decay because it gets the saliva pumping, which washes away plaque and any leftover food particles that may be stuck in your mouth. A good toothpaste and toothbrush are probably the better choice of the two to maintain quality dental health however, even if it is the duller of the two.

As well as the dental benefits of a good kiss, regular smooching can apparently help to tone your cheeks and keep your face lovely and beautiful, which could lead to future kisses, which could further tone your cheeks; beginning to see a pattern?

Furthermore, kissing burns around 2 calories a minute, so what better way to start a gym session, although a regular exercise routine will probably serve you better in getting in shape.

Sexual therapists have also concluded that a single kiss can be a good quick fire way of telling if you have chemistry with someone. During a kiss each person releases pheromones, if these pheromones react well to one another you are more likely to ‘gel’ better with the other person, so who knows, kissing more often might lead you to your soul mate!

National Kissing Day is on the 6th of July, but we here at the cosmetic dentistry guide wouldn’t recommend going out and kissing any and every person you see, at least not without their permission first.


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