1 in 5 people delaying dental care due to cost

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1 in 5 people are delaying routine dental check-ups and dental treatments because they cannot afford it, a survey has revealed.

The Adult Dental Health survey also revealed that money was influencing the decisions people make about their dental treatment, with many opting to have teeth extracted, rather than having more expensive alternatives, such as bridgework or root canal treatment.

The survey involved around 11,000 participants and was commissioned by the NHS Information Centre and the Office for National Statistics; the findings revealed that 26 percent of participants had chosen a treatment based on cost and 19 percent of people had put off having treatment as a result of cost.

The results of the survey are alarming for public health officials, especially as fees are set to rise in England from next week; patients will pay £204 for the most complex treatments and £17 for a check-up. The cost of dental treatment has increased significantly in England over the last six years; in 2005, a check-up cost just £6.

Dr John Milne, chairman of the British Dental Association, said that the trend was alarming, as putting off routine treatments could lead to an increased risk of developing more complex, serious dental health issues. Cutting costs in the short-term is likely to increase costs in the long-term.

A spokesperson from the Department of Health said that more needed to be done to make dental care more accessible and new investment will be made in underserved areas.

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March 25th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Diane Leigh Says :

The problem also is very few peole like going to the dentist so if it is being made harder by prohibitive costs then where is the incentive other than emergency treatment to go there. Even with a great dentist who you can trust you still have the feeling that you will do anything to get out of an appointment if you can. It is no win really other than for all those celebs who will be given anaesthetic and the best private hospital attention to cushion the effects.