1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Temp Bridge used while implant heels failed after 2months


    I had a temporay maryland bridge fitted while my implant heeled, the temporay bridge fell out after 2 months, I have not been eating on it, the bridge is intact, the only thing that seems to have broken off are two small slivers either side of the bridge tooth, which appear to have just been stuck on anyway the tooth does not appear to be a one peace unit. I cant tell if these two small slivers were part of the bridge orginally or the dentist did that bit, do dentists have a tools that would allow them to add these bits or stick them back on ? The bridge fits back in with minimal space between the side of the bridge tooth and the other teeth next to it.

    I'm Seeing my dentist tomorrow about it but generally how long would you expect a temp bridge to last ? I paid £300 for the temp bridge and would of expected it to last 6 months. If the bridge has failed and does need replacing am I well placed to have that cost covered by the dentist or would you expect me to stump up again ?


  2. #2
    Dr Sepehrara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008



    These types of temporary bridges can come off sometimes and just requires to to be recemented or fixed.

    Each practice has a different policy , regarding replacement bridges. Usually these are replaced free of charge, but each circumstance is different.

    Dr Raha Sepehrara BSC(Hons) BDS with Distinction

    The Dental Suite, Leicestershire

    Quality dental and Implant care

    Winner of Best Young Dentist In the Midlands Award 2009

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